Learn Piano Chords for Beginners


A step-by-step process to help beginners finally play the songs they love on the piano.


Have you ever seen someone playing the piano so beautifully and thinking,

"How nice if I could do that too?"

If you've been trying to learn the piano by yourself because you want to be able to play the songs you love, it can be frustrating to know where to begin and what exactly needed to be learned.

Perhaps you think that the only way to know how to play the piano is by going for the formal piano lesson which takes years to complete. Who has such time?

You've probably gone through video tutorials from Youtube but you're confused and can't play any songs yet because there are just so many videos out there. Which one should you start with first? Which one actually matters? There's no process.

Maybe you've been learning by yourself but now you're stuck because you find it challenging to coordinate between your right and left hands...

...Or that you can't go past playing songs other than songs written in the key of C major and that you're sick and tired of playing your chords in just one boring pattern.

Maybe you're wishing, "If only I could play for the congregation of my church, it has always been my dream, but I could only play 4 chords". You want to progress and be able to play more, but don't know how to.

Is it actually possible to play the piano without any musical background whatsoever? RESOUNDING YES!

Do you really need to know how to read music notes in order to play the songs you've always wanted to play? NOPE!

You can do it too.

Just Imagine....

  • Finally being able to play the songs you've always wanted to play on the piano with confidence.
  • No longer struggling with learning the piano on your own.
  • Impressing someone you love with the songs they love on the piano.
  • Feeling fulfilled for being able to play for your church congregation.
  • Getting applauded by your audience who are really moved by your playing.

You can turn your dream from just a dream into a reality without having to read piano notes or going for expensive, lengthy traditional piano lessons.

What is "chord" anyway?

If you were to listen to pop songs or any songs, you'll notice that all of them are played with chords. The melodies and lyrics are sung by the singer while the chords are played by musical instruments such as the piano or guitar.

Chords are not melodies but rather notes arranged harmonically and played simultaneously or separately to complement singing or other instruments.

Before I discover how to use chords, I've always thought that I should be playing the melodies on the piano while singing to the melodies at the same time but this isn't true. The song played this way doesn't sound good. Your fingers should be playing chords and filling in between chords and melodies. That's how they should complement each other.

And in my opinion, this is the best way to play the piano. If you know not only how to play chords but to play them in different patterns and make them sound interesting by using rhythms and injecting emotions into them, then the world is your oyster, my friend.

The best way to play songs on the piano is by using chords.

I created Chordspro to give you a complete system to learn the piano with chords.

I haven't always known how to play the piano without having to refer to piano pieces. I know how it's like to learn the piano by yourself and feel like you're not getting anywhere.

I completed my formal music education when I was 16. I was pretty good at playing difficult piano pieces. I could play Bach, Mozart, you name it.

Then, something happened.

When I was in high school, I was asked to play for a fellowship club but all I was given was a book filled with lyrics and chords. But I didn't know how to play chords. I realized I couldn't play anything at all if I don't have piano pieces to look at.

I then started to be curious and interested in playing the piano with chords. I braved up and tried different things on the piano without having piano scrolls to refer to. I have learned so much from listening to how chords are played and trying them out on the piano by myself.

I have been playing the piano for more than 30 years. Now I honestly prefer to play the piano this way more than reading piano scrolls because I am free to create, to express myself, and play anything I want on the piano... all because I learned how to play the piano with chords.


 piano lesson

"Thank you Kaiyen for creating this course! I've always wanted to play and sing with the piano but was intimidated by the traditional ways of learning the theory and going for piano exams. Because of that, I was looking for a method of learning that teaches me to get me playing songs I love and understand how to make them beautiful. I love how Kaiyen thoughtfully came up with learning materials that were very easy to comprehend and apply and gives me exactly what I needed."

- Rachel

"I am 69 years old and have always wished that I could play the piano to compliment my singing. I enjoy songs like Let It Be, Can't Help Falling in Love, and many other oldies. Kaiyen's way of teaching makes it easy for me to understand and learn. Her lessons are short and simple and I don't feel overwhelmed. Now I can play and sing all of the oldies that I like. Thank you, Kaiyen."

- Albert

Here's what you'll learn in each of the 5 units:


Learn everything you need to know about the fundamental of music.

Get to know all of the pitches on the piano and get familiar with all of the keys.

Understand the scale and how it is the foundation of chords, melodies, keys, and chords progressions.

Learn how major and minor chords are formed on the piano with just 2 simple formulas.

Get familiar with pitch and chords in 2 practice sessions.


Learn how to play the basic triad chords and broken chords using patterns.

Start playing your very first song with the first challenge and 3 other songs set out for you.

Find out how to mix the chords together.

Apply what you've learned in 3 practice sessions.


Find out what is inverted chords and how to play them through their shapes.

Get familiar with the shapes of the inversions through 4 practice sessions.

Have fun using what you've learned with 2 popular songs.


Learn 5 rhythmic patterns that you must add into your repertoire and use them in songs that you want to play.

Heat things up with some tricks that will make you sound top-notch.

Infuse some feelings into your songs with 5 elements that create emotions in music.

Play your songs with sustain pedal the correct way.

Challenge yourself with 6 other beautiful songs and 6 practice sessions.


Debunk the scary odd-looking chords that you're going to find in chords sheets and realize that they aren't that scary after all.

Learn how to transpose a song from one key to another with insanely easy methods.

Yes, you also get some sweet bonuses when you enroll...

$340 worth of bonuses

Here's what you're gonna get when you enroll:

BONUS: CHORDSPRO Workbook ($79 value)

You'll get access to this over 50 pages of workbook with summary lessons, practices and

challenges to help you to learn effectively and with ease.

BONUS: THE SONG BOOK (30 SONGS) ($49 value)

You'll get access to this over 50 pages of workbook with summary lessons, practices and

challenges to help you to learn effectively and with ease.

BONUS: 30-Day Practice Suggestion Planner ($49 value)

30-Day Practice Suggestion planner + blank planner for you to plan your journey.

BONUS: Chordspro Private Facebook Community ($97 value)

You'll not walk this journey alone. Get access to Chordspro private FB to ask questions

and share what you've learned.

Now is the time to live your dream of playing the piano. You DESERVE this dream.

By using Chordspro method, you learn things that matter in playing the piano. Few days into the course, you can play songs that you enjoy.

Chordspro is an honest course that is created to help you understand the fundamentals of music and apply them through real songs.

It's not a boring course. It's here to help you start from basic to building more exciting ways of playing the piano, step-by-step.

My intention is to make this course as easy and practical for you as possible. You will not be overwhelmed because all lessons and practices are bite-sized, easy to digest, and apply.

"As a complete beginner to learning piano, I have benefited from Kai Yen’s teaching. I wanted to learn the piano without the commitment to taking classes and I found her bite-size lessons and practical workbook really helped me a lot in playing the songs I really enjoy."

- Eason

"I know how to play the violin but have always wanted to play the piano too. However, I don't want to start from scratch by going for formal lessons. Now that I'm older, I don't have time for that. Learning piano with chords with Kaiyen is easy and she got me to play my kind of songs fast! Thanks, Kaiyen!"

- Jane

Is this course for me?

This is for you if...

  • You're interested in playing the piano and sing to the song you love, but don't know where to start or how to do it.
  • You struggle to learn the piano by yourself and wish that you are getting somewhere.
  • You're stuck at only knowing how to play the basic chords just one way and look for more ways to make your playing sounds more beautiful.
  • You want to play in any key you want and not be limited to only a few chords that you know.
  • You want to play for someone or a congregation as an accompaniment to their singing.

This is not for you if...

  • You want to play classical or modern pieces.
  • You are already at an intermediate level.
  • You aren't willing to invest the time and effort into learning the piano.

Hi! I'm Kaiyen!

I started playing the piano when I was 5 years old and I completed my "traditional" piano lesson with a Merit Certificate from ABRSM when I was 16.

However, upon completing the eight grades of the certification, I realized that I couldn't play anything aside from playing songs from piano pieces.

I couldn't play something that someone just randomly requested me to play. That's when it hit me and I started to be interested in chords.

I listened to how chords are played and kept trying them out. Luckily for me, I have a strong background in music. It helped me to figure out things quickly.

I have always been teaching music even as an engineering student while studying in Brisbane, Australia, and working back home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

I have been playing the piano for more than 30 years now. I know Chordspro will become your online academy for learning how to play the songs that you've always dreamed of playing.

You get a 30-day money-back guarantee. Zero risk.

I'm giving you a 30-day money-back guarantee so that you can try my course RISK-FREE. If you find that this course isn't working for you, I will give you a full refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have at least some musical background to start?

Nope! This course is designed for beginners in mind with zero musical background.

Do I need to have an internet connection to access this course?

Yes, you do. With this, you can get instant access to new updated course materials.

I'm busy all the time. Can I still see results with Chordspro?

Definitely! You learn and practice what is thought in Chordspro at your own time and pace. I provide step-by-step lessons and practices in an organized manner for you to go through easily. You can mark "completed" to the lessons or practices that you've done. This way you'll never miss out on anything.

Do I need to read notes in Chordspro?

No, you won't be reading notes in order to play songs in Chordspro. Now even one note. ;)

What format is Chordspro content delivered in?

Chordspro includes video lessons and practices. There's also a workbook that you can use to revise what you've learned and to practice with.

How long do I get access to this course?

Like FOREVER. You have lifetime access to Chordspro and all future updated materials.

Do you offer refunds or guarantees?

Oh yeah! I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to this course so that you can give it a go risk-free.

So, tell me...

Are you ready to dust the old keyboard or piano and finally play the songs you love on the piano within the next few days joining Chordspro? Or would you rather continue to struggle to learn alone and only get to play songs (if any) in months or years down the road?