A proven step-by-step masterclass to help you play the songs you love on the piano fast and with ease!

No more confusion, guess work, wasting of time and going around the circle...


You get immediate lifetime access to this masterclass and materials.

In This 45-minute Masterclass, You'll Learn:

  • The one fundamental of music that you just can't go without to start playing the piano. From the beginning, I'll reveal to you the very first fundamental of music that you must know in order to play the piano so that you no longer have to guess or wonder what you should start with. In this in-depth topic, you'll know where things are at the back of your mind and you'll be all set for the second important step.
  • The essence to every song under the sun including the classical songs known as chords. I'll show you the secret to play all 24 chords with just two simple formulas. This will enable you to play any songs you want easily on the piano.
  • How to play tons of songs the fastest and easiest way. Come to this masterclass and let me show you how to play songs on the piano without having to read notes whatsoever. This masterclass won't be complete if I don't show you how to play at least 30 songs on the piano. I'll show you exactly how to use chords to play and sing to the songs you've always dreamed of playing.
  • Newly Added Bonus. This is a newly added bonus segment which you have not seen yet. Here I teach you how to play the melody of a song using lead sheets so that you can play the instrumental part of a song too. I'll show you how to read simple melody lines and incorporate that with chords, step-by-step. No more guessing around on what to do exactly.

You'll also get:

  • The Beginner Pianist Essentials. This 8 page book consists of charts, flashcards, chord sheets and a lead sheet that I've put together to support your learning. No more searching frantically and mindlessly on the internet to look for everything you need to get started.

"Thank you for this masterclass! I love how it is so simple and straight to the point. Now I can learn the piano at my own time and pace with the tools I need".

- Kylie

"I have always wanted to play and sing on the piano. Thank you for making this masterclass accessible and affordable to me."

- Susannah

A Note from Kaiyen...

After playing the piano for more than 30 years and having a Merit certificate by the Associated Board of The Royal School of Music (ABRSM), I am confident to say - you don't need to know how to read notes in order to play the piano.

Pop songs or any songs including the classical music are made of chords and every pianist must know them.

Chord is so powerful because you can do so much with it yet it is so easy to learn which makes it the fastest and the best way to learn the piano.

If you're willing to invest just 45 minutes to learn how to start playing some songs already, then I promise you that your time will be rewarded with only the most precise and effective steps that will get you playing songs you've been dying to play today. This won't be those fluffy kind of workshops where you learn nothing from.

My goal for you... After this masterclass, you will never again say, "I don't know how to play any songs because I don't know how to do it." So stick with me because I'll make this a reality for you.

See ya there!
